Automation Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects ECE engineering projects Health and Hygiene Projects Sensor based smoke/gas sensor

Automatic Exhaust System | Smart exhaust Fan circuit

Hello Engineers. Hope you all are doing good. At places like kitchens, commercial kitchens, Fireworks factories or welding shops, etc places a proper exhaust system is required. An automatic exhaust system will be much helpful at these kinds of places. So that anyone if forgot to open the exhaust system, then too this automatic exhaust […]

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Automation ECE engineering projects Security Based Automation Sensor based

Intruder detector Burglar alarm that auto-activates at Night

Hello Engineers. I hope you ‘re doing good. In the place like godowns, construction sites, telecom sites, small factories, Lawns, etc, high security is required and also present. But at some of those places, working hours are only during day time. So, during the night when security guards aren’t much active, we need to automate […]

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smart automatic vehicle detection solar street light
Automation Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects ECE engineering projects led/Lamps/Flashlights Solar Panels/ Solar charge controllers Solar Powered/ Green energy harvesting

Solar Automatic streetlight with Vehicle detection

Hello Engineers. In today’s world, Technological advancement, Automation, and Free/ Clean energy are a boom and is a necessity too. Everybody wants to automate their boring stuff, save their time. Also, free and clean energy is always appealing and need if it’s about Electricity. Like how helpful and energy efficient will be a smart automatic […]

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Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects ECE engineering projects IC 555 projects Lamps and flashlights Single transistor projects

Touch ON-Off switch circuit | 2 awesome circuit

Hello Engineer. ” Touch on-off switch circuit “, today’s topic. On this site, Earlier I have explained a low power touch-sensitive switch that powered small led on touch, else off. But, today, I am going to discuss 2 different touch on-off switch circuits controlling, domestic AC appliances/ high power applications. One of them is simple […]

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Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects ECE engineering projects Health and Hygiene Projects Proximity sensor/IR obstacle sensor

Ultraviolet light virus killer device | Kill viruses using UV-C light

Hello Engineers. Although we take many preventive measures and remedies to maintain proper hygiene. Of course, proper hygiene is necessary for good immunity and health. Especially during this coronavirus period, we need to take good care of our health and hygiene. Already everyone is using sanitizers, disinfectants, disinfect everything to prevent the spread of […]

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