Hello People, Sometimes our batteries in go-carts, inverters, kids buggy toys, emergency lights, etc after a long period of inactivity resist to full charge. They may also stop charging completely or their supply quality degrades to a greater extent. This is due to battery sulfation. In this article, we will discuss more about the battery […]
Fast Battery Charger using the Bridge Rectifier for Rechargeable Cells
Hi guys, this a fast charger for charging rechargeable batteries( Fast Battery/cell Charger Circuit)like Ni-Mh or Ni-Cd,(Don’t have an auto cutoff, but after cells got charged the led is consuming all power so there is no chance of overcharge), etc. This charger is also useful to charge 9v rechargeable batteries up to 2500mah. The charger […]
Different Rectifier Circuits and their Working
A rectifier is a circuit that converts the ac input to a DC supply.i.e from sinusoidal, square, or triangular waveform to a unidirectional constant waveform. I have discussed 3 types of rectifier circuits in detail and their circuit diagram and their output waveforms. “Different Rectifier Circuits”. different types of rectifier circuits. Halfwave rectifier circuit : […]
LED Flasher circuits | 2 Powerful circuits | Led Blinker
There are tons of LED flasher circuits over the internet, some works and some don’t. Some are consistent and some of them are just useless. So guys, today we will make 2 different types of LED flasher circuits that are self-tested.2 Different LED flasher circuits. Astable Oscillator Led Flasher (transistor led flasher) – Circuit 1 […]
Automatic Night Light circuit using LDR and Relay
Hello guys, today I am going to tell you an easy way to make an Automatic night light circuit(automation) without using any micro-controllers or development board. With a circuit diagram as well as a simulation video of working of this project. This is possible with a simple analog circuitry using some active components as well […]