Automation Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects led/Lamps/Flashlights Microcontroller based projects

LED Chaser using microcontroller AVR ATmega 16

Hello, There are tons of LED Chaser circuits over the internet including analog ones, digital ICs, or Microcontroller based. Today in this blog I will discuss a simple LED chaser +blinker using the AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. So, let’s discuss it below starting with the introduction followed by the circuit, program, and a video. AVR ATmega16 […]

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AC TO DC /Rectifier Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects Lamps and flashlights led/Lamps/Flashlights Power supply

Transformerless power supply regulated 220v-5v

Hi guys, Today I’m going to discuss a new circuit by me, which is a regulated 220v AC to 5v DC Regulated transformerless power supply using LM7805 and TIP41.The circuit discussed in this article is a bit more than just a few capacitors, diodes, and Zener diodes. So, let’s get started with the materials, then […]

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Lamps and flashlights led/Lamps/Flashlights Single transistor projects

Wireless Power Transmission Circuit | Easiest

Hi, guys, this article is based on a wireless power transmission circuit. This circuit explains how you can transfer dc input from one coil to another without any core or contact between. The transmission of AC input power between the two coils is pretty much easier and convenient as compared to dc. This circuit also […]

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