lead acid battery Lithium-ion Solar Panels/ Solar charge controllers

Lithium-ion vs. Lead-Acid batteries – Detailed Comparison

Hello Engineers, In today’s article, I am going to explain in a bit brief about Lithium-ion vs. Lead-Acid batteries and also their merits &demerits. How are they different? How is the one better than another. Their chemical and electrical properties. Also Lithium-Ion vs. Lead-acid batteries. so let’s get started. Lithium-ion vs. lead-acid Tabular difference at […]

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Automation Microcontroller based projects Motor speed controllers

L293D Motor Driver IC and interfacing with microcontroller

Hello Engineers, Whenever making motor-based projects using any microcontroller IC we need more power in order to operate the motor. This power, can not be provided by any of the microcontroller ICs as motor requires a lot of power than the microcontroller consumes. For this, we need to use a motor driver with a microcontroller(L293D […]

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Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects ECE engineering projects Inverters lead acid battery Power supply

UPS Power grid for wifi router and broadband 12v 1.5A.

Hello Engineers, A non-stop internet connection is a necessity for all. Although in developed cities, a power cut is very uncommon. But still, it takes place and if your wifi and landline connection isn’t connected to the inverter, then your internet connection and landline may not get power and it is interrupted and all the […]

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IC 555 delay timer
Automation Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects ECE engineering projects IC 555 projects Lamps and flashlights led/Lamps/Flashlights

IC555 delay timer for controlling the on-off time of AC devices

Hello engineers, In this article, I will explain how to control AC appliances ON-OFF time using the IC555 Delay timer circuit that I have already discussed in the previous article. The delay timer ON-OFF circuit is similar and has just a few more components. So, Let’s Starts with the materials required and diagram followed by […]

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Automation Cool homemade utility Gadgets / circuit projects IC 555 projects

IC 555 Delay Timer circuit | Easy timer circuit

Hello Engineers, in this article, today I am going to discuss a reliable and good quality delay timer ON and OFF circuit using IC555 and a push-button for the trigger. The circuit time is set by the capacitor value used. So, let’s start discussion starting by the circuit diagram and materials required followed by explanations […]

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