Microprocessor Quiz – Basics of 8085 -1 Miccroprocessor Quiz- Basics of 8085-1. Comment your score below. Microprocessor Basics Quiz questions and Mcqs. Please enter your email: 1. A microprocessor comes has an inbuilt memory unit___ True False 2. The microprocessor acknowledges an interrupt and sends an acknowledgment to the peripheral that has requested through ______ INTA(Interrupt Acknowledgement) INTR Status Pin Both b and C 3. Which of the following is a nonmaskable interrupts_____________ TRAP RST 7.5 RST 5.5 RST 6.5 4. __________ is an 8-bit register, which is connected to the ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit). Accumulator Program Counter Instruction Register B register 5. A microprocessor 8085 is based on which packaging? DIP(Dual Inline Packaging) SMD(Surface Mount Device) QFT None of the above. 6. The cycle required to fetch and execute an instruction in a 8085 microprocessor is which one of the following? Machine Cycle Fetch Cycle Compiler Cycle Instruction Cycle 7. The advantage of a DMA controller is, direct transfer of data between memory and accumulator direct transfer of data between memory and l/O devices without the use of a microprocessor. Low power consumption All of the above 8. ___________ is responsible for all arithmetic and logical operations. ALU Timing and Control Unit Program Counter None of the above. 9. _________generates the timing pulses and control signals for the execution. Also, it controls the flow of data between the CPU and peripherals. Timing and Control Unit Crystal Oscillator Register Array None of the above. 10. Auxilary carry means when the carry is generated by the ___ and passed on to the _____. 3rd bit, 4th 4th, 5th 2nd bit,3rd MSB,LSB 11. It is a 16-bit special-purpose register used to hold the address of memory location of the next instruction to be executed. Instruction decoder Program Counter Data Direction register Both a and c 12. ______ registers that are not accessible by the programmer and are for the microprocessor personal usage. Instruction registers Accumulator H-L pair Temporary Register 13. This is an 8-bit register having five 1-bit flip-flops in it. Status Register Flag Register ALU Temporary register 14. We have ______general-purpose registers in our 8085 microprocessor. 5 8 6 4 15. The 8085 uses a single ____ input for its operation. +12V DC +5V DC +9V DC Any voltage Microprocessor 8085 runs on a single 5v DC power supply. 16. The register that tells about the nature of the results stored in the accuulator. Status Register Flag Register Instruction Register H-L pair 17. The size of the data bus we have got in 8085 is____ 16 bit 8 bit 20 bit None of the above 18. A microprocessor is responsible for all I/O operations all the processing and all arithmetic and logical operations. Data storage All of the above A microprocessor is a semiconductor device that is the central processing unit of a computer that is responsible for crucial tasks and all arithmetic and logical operations. 19. The required operating clock frequency by microprocessor 8085____ 3megaHertz 4mhz 6mhz 10Mhz 20. _________ are the temporary storage location to store data temporarily and manipulation of data and instructions by the microprocessor. Program Counter Stack Pointer Register cache memory 21. The size of address bus of 8085 microprocessor is ___ bits. 20 8 12 16 8085 microprocessor has a 16-bit address but. 22. Why is program Counter a 16-bit Register ? we have 16-bit address lines. Because it holds 16-bit data Because it’s a special-purpose register All of the above. 23. 8085 Microprocessor is a ____ pin microprocessor. 16 48 40 18 Microprocessor 8085 is a 40 pin IC. Loading …